CS30.1.18: Fuel / Oil Filters

Finally, the last bit of your maintenance assessment - maintaining the fuel and oil filters. Although it's not the end of the test, as you'll still have to get through the crosscutting bit yet! Anyhow, back to the filters, this bit is easy - to find out how easy click on Read More...

Well, for starters this is another one of those 'demonstrate knowledge of' activities, and that means just answering a question about it; you're not expected to actually do it.

Do what you may ask? As there is no need to remove the fuel, or oil, filter, you'll be expected to explain how to set about replacing them. This essentially comes down to undoing the fuel / oil tank filler cap, using a bit of bent wire to hook the filter out, removing / replacing it and dropping it back in (you might want to mention about draining the tank out first too). Listen below to the assessment activity for this last section of the maintenance assessment.


Anonymous said...

How often do you recomend changing the oil and fuel filters? (I'm in the woods with my Sthil 026 most days over winter)Or should I leave alone unless theres a problem? Cheers. Aly

David Vickers said...

I would guess annually should be fine - although I have to be honest here and say that I haven't changed these filters in my saws for (ahem) years...