Oregon Maintenance Manual

Oregon, who are possibly one of the largest (if not the largest) suppliers of after-market chainsaw accessories also produce a useful booklet about their chains and general maintenance hints and tips. Find out more after the jump...

The booklet, which is available as a paper version can also be downloaded over the web as a PDF document (for which you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader). The booklet covers information about Oregon's own chains, detailing filing angles, file sizes, pitch and gauge information, as well as pictures of the chain profile. It also includes several pages of maintenance hints and tips and is worth taking a look at - I carry one around with me when training as it's quite a useful little reference and the paper version is a fairly compact little booklet.

OK, so it may not win any major book awards, but it's free and is a handy little guide to boot. Get your copy at http://www.oregonchain.co.uk/pdfs/MaintManual_English.pdf

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