Another Useful Oregon Tool...

Oregon strike again with a really useful tool on their website that enables you to find out the correct chain for your saw. Find out more about this tool after the jump...

The 'Oregon Selector Guide' is a useful tool to ensure that you end up with the right Oregon chain for your chainsaw; you'll need to know some basic details, such as...

  • Make and model of your saw.

  • Length of your guide bar.

  • The pitch and gauge of your chain.

By way of example, go to and select the following...

  • Stihl, MS260.

  • 15" guide bar.

  • Pitch 0.325" and 1.6mm gauge.

Out of that you'll get a couple of choices of chain (Oregon #22, chisel cutter or semi-chisel cutter); but you also get a couple of other useful bits to go with it (the length of the chain defined as the number of drive links, number of drive sprocket teeth and their recommended bar).

I did try putting in the information about my Husqvarna 350 chainsaw, but it didn't come up with anything - guess I'll just have to go back to making my own chain up for that!

Anyway, it's a potentially useful little tool to know about if you need to find a chain for your saw, and it's at

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