CS30.1.08: Sharpening The Chain

This section, CS30.1.08, is one of those potential stumbling blocks, as being able to sharpen the chain properly can be quite a lengthy process when you first start doing it. Accuracy is important, as is removing all previous damage.

CS30.1.08 consists of both practical tasks and questions, so it's worth making sure that you're happy with it. Find out more after the jump...

It should be really easy - just grab a file of the right size and use it at the right angle across the chain cutters; sort the depth gauges out and away you go. Sounds simple, but in practice it taxes a lot of people and even within the industry there's a fair amount of debate as to why people can't seem to sharpen their chains properly!

Along with having to be happy about your chain sharpening, you'll also need to answer a couple of questions about sharpening and maintaining the chain. Make sure you're OK with the effects of incorrect depth gauges, wrong angles and different cutter lengths. For the exact lowdown on the actual activities and criteria that go with section, listen to the audio...

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